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香港商業登記完整指南 香港毗鄰中國和亞太地區,是全球投資者和企業家的重要市場。憑藉有利於企業的管理、對新創企業的稅收減免、運作良好的司法系統和尖端的技術基礎設施,它被認為是世界上最自由的經濟體。在香港建立業務是實現其潛力的第一步。該聲明建議繼續閱讀有關該市商業登記要求的更多詳細資訊。 了解香港商業登記 香港《公司條例》為在該地區開展業務提供了法律基礎。新的註冊由稅務局(IRD)指導下的商業登記處辦理。該文本提供了有關個人和公司香港公司註冊程序的更多重要細節。 董事 至少需要一名董事,其國籍或居住地不受限制。此外,可以選擇的董事的最大數量沒有限制。 股東 在香港,有限責任公司必須有最少一名股東,最多五十名股東。股東沒有居住要求。雖然註冊時沒有最低股本要求,但大多數企業註冊時的股本價值為 10,000 港元,即 10,000 股每股 1 港元的普通股。 稅 由於香港的地域稅收結構,註冊企業只需就香港境內賺取的收入繳納企業稅。沒有社會安全稅、增值稅,也沒有利潤或利息的預扣稅。單層企業稅制對公司徵收 16.5%,對非法人公司徵收 15%,而兩級利得稅制則對首 200 萬美元的應評稅利潤徵收 8.5% 的稅率。不在香港經營的企業可以利用離岸稅收制度,該制度提供零稅率。 公司秘書 在香港,有限責任公司需要一位居住在該地區的公司秘書。作為公司的發言人,秘書負責及時更新公司法律要求的帳簿和記錄,並確保遵守當地法律。 遵守 公司的所有者、董事和公司秘書必須確保公司在香港註冊成立後建立帳戶並保持最新狀態。每年,註冊會計師都需要對這些帳目進行審計,並將結果報告給稅務局。 在香港商業登記的好處 在香港成立公司的程序簡單、快速且經濟實惠;公司註冊證書通常在四天內頒發。該地區被公認為世界上最自由的司法管轄區之一,其併購和IPO 活動在亞太地區排名第二,在2023...
為什麼公司要在香港註冊? 香港是深受喜愛的旅遊目的地,也是希望在全球發展的公司的首選。其強勁的經濟依賴外國投資和商業,每年吸引數千家企業來到這裡。隨著香港作為主要國際商業中心的地位不斷提升,相當多的跨國公司選擇在香港設立地區總部。這就引出了一個問題:香港是否符合其形象,以及為何如此多的企業被吸引到這座城市。...
香港商業登記號碼綜合指南 由於對新創公司有許多好處,香港成為創業家的理想目的地。然而,在開始營運之前,需要從稅務局商業登記處獲得商業登記號碼(BRN)。本教學將介紹...
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"We’ve used Prism for a variety of support services and they’ve always been top notch. Definitely recommend them if you need help as a start-up business that needs support getting all of your paperwork in order."

"I have been a client of Prism Consultancy for the past 5+ years. For the majority of that time I engaged in their accounting services. Most recently, I engaged Prism to assist me in processing an important visa application. For the record, I have processed probably at least 50 visa applications on my own through my line of business. I came to Prism because the nature of this application slightly different I needed some guidance. The team at Prism Consultancy were very professional and assured me that whatever additional supporting documents immigration were asking for were standard procedure. The team was very communicative throughout the process. I would recommend their service to anyone needing assistance with a visa application."

"Khan was amazing in the visa process. Applied for the Entrepreneurship visa. The team provided solid advice on what I needed to get this. I provided the documents and within a week the visa application was lodged. Khan was very responsive and worked with me to chase the Immigration department (Albeit delayed due to COVID and CNY). Would 100% recommend in sorting out your visa. Very knowledgeable and got approved without issues. Worth every $ to not have to deal with the hassle of application. Thanks again!"

"I'd like to express my deep gratitude to the wider PRISM Consultancy Team, including Khan, Bonnie, and Shamsa in Hong Kong for helping to execute on the PR (Permanent Residency) in a short timeframe, especially running up against the Chinese New Year holiday. The service was worth it hands down and I'll be sure to promote PRISM to anyone looking for these kinds of consultative services. A special shout out to Khan specifically for his determination, resilience, and speedy execution (and transparency along the way). It was truly impressive to see at a professional services firm. I'd recommend having a meeting with PRISM to learn more about any services they offer to learn more and explore possibilities!"

"Quick response and efficient service with Prism makes my continued business with Prism a pleasure!"

"Chris and Bonnie have been an absolute pleasure to work with. They clearly explained the application process, assisted in drafting necessary documents and were always available to address any questions or concerns. We couldn't have asked for better consultants."

"Excellent service! Quick and accurate responses and always professional. Highly recommended."
Alister Kelman ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"I am impressed with their efficiency and quality of work as well as their reasonable rates."

"Prism has a very professional team who are able to solve many of my issues regarding from company incorporation to accounting & taxation, from investment work visa to hiring employees with non-HK residency. Their experience in the Hong Kong company secretary field makes me believe that they are second to none."

DIY!HKCom (Prism Consultancy Co. Ltd.)
Suite 1404, Tung Wai Commercial Building,
Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
- Phone: +852 3464 5200
- Whatsapp: +852 6073 3208
- Skype: live:.cid.1096843f9857093
- Email: [email protected]
DIY!HKCom is under the management of Prism Consultancy Co. Ltd. Besides Company Incorporation, we also offer services in Hong Kong Immigration, company secretary (or virtual office), registered office addresses, accounting, Xero accounting software subscription, audit, annual tax filing, payroll, website development, SEO, video production, and more.